A single bathtub takes 2 - 3 hours. Tub and surrounding tile takes 3 - 4 hours

All jobs need 24 hours to cure before use.

Here’s the steps taken to refinish a bathtub:


Remove any loose items or old paint from the tub *


Clean out the tub and any loose caulking around the tub


Sand down the surface to get rid of dirt and other small particles


Wash the surface to ensure a good bond between the paint and the tub


Repair any paint chips or rust that is surfacing on the tub


Wipe the tub clean and start the process

*Please notify us if the surface we are reglazing has ever been refinished before. If the previous finish is failing, the technician will make a judgement call on stripping the old glaze and completely refinishing it from scratch to ensure a better bond. This will incur an additional fee unless we can sand it down and refinish over the existing glaze.

Mask off for spraying:

Masking paper around the tub and surrounding vanities to prevent overspray

Fixtures are thoroughly covered to ensure a flawless refinish

Doorways are covered to prevent dust from entering the work space and paint from leaving the area

Surface Finishing

Spray with 2 coats of primer

Spray with final surface, 2 to 3 coats. This coating is a 2 part epoxy, urethane based material

Re-caulk as needed


Copyright 2018 Shiny Tile and Tub Reglazing. All rights reserved